I am the most friendly, approachable, fun, honest, kind, supportive and compassionate lawyer you will ever meet! A rare combination, indeed! People I meet in non-business settings are surprised to learn I'm a lawyer because I simply do not fit that mold. I'm a down-to-earth regular person with a huge heart, and I treat people with the respect, decency and kindness they deserve. You are not just a number. You will feel comfortable and valued, and you will know you're in good hands.
Most legal issues are scary, and they often result from (or may result in) stressful and/or traumatic events. It usually creates significant stress, worry and often some level of depression. Most people worry and/or blame themselves relentlessly, which only leads them down a rabbit hole. The help you need isn't limited to just the legal issues. You need help with the emotional component as well. You need guidance, compassion, understanding, holistic healing and peace of mind, and that is what I help you achieve. Believe me, I've been there so I know what you're going through!! See my Surviving the Storm coaching page to learn about the storms I've been through.
I have a unique communication style. What does that mean? It means I will actually listen to you. I have a degree and other special training in communication, and I can tell you that the most significant cause of client dissatisfaction in dealing with lawyers is communication breakdown. And the most common cause of communication breakdown is the failure to listen. Most lawyers (among other people) don't know how to listen very well. You need to be heard! I am the best listener you will ever meet, so you will be heard.
On the flip side, you also need to understand what's going on. In my opinion, it is unacceptable for a client to ever be confused or uncertain about the details of their case. And yet, I see that often since many lawyers aren't very skilled at educating clients in layman terms, nor do they take the time to be thorough. I am privileged to possess the ability and desire to educate you fully, in a way you can understand. You will never feel confused or uncertain at the end of a conversation with me, and you will know and understand more about your legal matter than you ever wanted to.
Guidance & Education
It's not in my nature to be "just a lawyer." Rather, I see myself as a guide, a counselor, an advisor, an educator, a healer, and a muse. I don't just push your legal papers around and call it a day when I'm done. I guide you through the process by holding your hand and educating you every step of the way. You will feel more and more confident, hopeful, peaceful and inspired with each step of the journey toward making your goals come to fruition.
I like to work directly with my clients so you will never be passed off to a secretary or paralegal. You will always receive my personal, undivided attention. Additionally, I have an impeccable attention to detail, which is the deciding factor between a smooth case, and a disaster.
Your case will be fully serviced. This means I do not cut corners in order to "get-you-in and get-you-out." This is not an assembly-line cattle-call. Whatever is in your best interest will be done, regardless of the time or effort it takes, even in a flat-fee matter.
I've had many clients come to me after speaking with another lawyer who told them something "couldn't be done," particularly in bankruptcy cases. Well, I got it done, because I was willing to think outside the box, and to do the work, to make it happen. You'd be surprised how often I hear that other attorneys won't do that. This is because consumer bankruptcy (and other matters) are flat-fee cases so attorneys have an incentive to spend as little time as possible on your case. Many of them do just that because their own income is a higher priority than your life.
I am the antithesis of that. I have impeccable integrity and I care that your life is at stake. Your best interest is my highest priority so I will go above and beyond the call of duty to take care of you, even if when it's not what I would prefer. This is about you, not me, so you will always come first.
Pricing is reasonable, and I offer Pick-Your-Price flat-fee packages when possible, so YOU'RE in control of your pricing and there are no surprises down the road. I also offer flexible payment arrangements when needed. If your matter is hourly billing, I don't waste time on unnecessary things that increase your bill and I don't nickel and dime you to death. I'm very mindful of the costs, so I do everything I can to eliminate unnecessary things. If I wouldn't want my lawyer doing a particular thing that I'd have to pay for, then I shouldn't be doing it and charging you for it either...so I don't! I will also always give you options for ways to keep the costs down. And, I always give my clients more time than they pay for because I value them and that's my way of thanking them for their business.
No Pressure
Unlike many law firms, I will not sell you on anything. I believe I'm in the business of helping people, not just practicing law. This is not about me, it's about you. I will explain the pros and cons of all your options, and will give you suggestions and ideas to help you decide what's right for you. But I will not decide for you or push you into anything. Only you know what's best for you.
My goal is to make this process as comfortable and convenient for you as possible. After-hours appointments are available, and most things can be handled via telephone, fax, email and mail. In other words, your case can be handled virtually if you so choose. This minimizes your time off work or away from your family. I am very flexible and am always looking for creative and innovative ways to make things convenient for you, so please share your requests and ideas.
Creative Solutions
Most law firms only offer one or two types of services: full representation or limited scope representation. But I believe one size doesn't fit all, so I've developed some custom options to accommodate various other needs, such as: Pick-Your-Price flat fee package pricing, VIP service, flexible payments, do-it-yourself-coaching, ghostwriting, document review and editing, freelance legal research, and training sessions. I also offer Surviving the Storm coaching, as well as various services for attorneys. For more information about these options, please click the link below.
What my clients say....
But don't take my word for any of this... Check out what my clients have to say here...
I'd love to assist you!
Please browse the site for information related to your matter. And, I'd like to invite you to take advantage of my complimentary 3-step case evaluation. I look forward to speaking with you!
We are Proud to be a Designated Debt Relief Agency under Federal Law and We Provide Legal Assistance to Consumers Seeking Relief Under the Bankruptcy Code.
The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute legal advice or to create an attorney-client relationship. We do not make any recommendations or endorsement as to any legal issue or procedure discussed. The nature of any particular legal issue should be considered on a case-by-case basis, and the information described herein is not necessarily a guide to your individual circumstances. It is advised that you seek independent legal advice to determine your particular legal needs.
Copyright © 2003 by Rambo Law Offices